Theme parks are complex Attraction intended for recrea-tion, to recreational activities and entertainment, located on the same area with an organization of common servi-ces. They are divided into: temporary and permanent.

The magic that one breathes in an amusement park where you become all children, it is only for fun attractions, scenic and the presence of the characters of fairy tales.
The evolution of culture and technology has meant that the audience is captured by increasingly strong emotions, by the types of attractions, designed to take into account the age and lifestyle of the visitors.

The services offered are:

  • Draft the Risk Assessment Park (special attention is to pay nanny visitor behavior and characteri stics of the site)
  • Defining a Risk Index which provides a signifi cant reduction of the Award of the Society of Insurance
  • Technical Consultancy of Part - CTP, litiga tion legal following an accident
  • Appointment as Head of Security Park
  • Technical coaching to the Head of Internal Secu rity and / or the team sheet for the Park
  • Consulting Crisis Management to support the management in the implementation of management and mitigation of the effects of an accident


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