The etymology of the word comes from the Latin jocus toy, which means fun, games, alloy tool toy to the function of entertainment and leisure.

Play is, first of all, a way of learning, has an impor-tant role in education
The game turns out to be an engaging and stimula-ting, able to capture the attention, activate and moti-vate even children with greater difficulties, accom-panying them in the acquisition of knowledge, stra-tegies and skills. The game has no age semplice-memte evolves with our maturity.
It is natural that the game evolves follo-wing the tastes of society and technological developments. So companies have adapted to this trend to capture the attention of chil-dren and families.
The subject is considered by us all "family" but im-plies its own "risk" of which is the Manufacturer / Importer / Distributor that the consumer must be aware
An assessment tool factors RISK Game is satisfac-tory if it meets the requirements of: validity, reliabi-lity, safety, engineering.

The services and the proposed instruments are:

I servizi e gli strumenti proposti sono:

  • Support Rsik Management Innovation Product Development
  • Assignment of Risk Management for the discussion of risk product
  • Realization of the Assessment Document risks of the product to support the Declaration of Conformity
  • Application of Big Data to support the management to marketing strategies and product marketing
  • In case of withdrawal / recall of defective product recall - it will draw up a communication to consumers
  • Consulting Crisis Management to support the management in the implementation of management and mitigation of the effects of an accident caused by product

Indice di ATTRATTIVITA' del patrimonio immobiliare

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